Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"Can I Put This File On Your, Um, Rack?"

One of the great exports in recent times from the United Kingdom is that tongue-in-cheek show, "The Office". But now, the BBC has come up with more proof that folks in TV land are running out of good ideas for the boob tube. Lo and behold, producers there are seriously developing "The Naked Office". Letters have been sent out to companies in England asking them to participate in the show.

The theme of the show is about revealing, pardon the pun, the views and reactions of employee participants on nudity, body image and how clothes impact their position in the office. Along the way, they'll be asked to join such fun activities as posing nude for a drawing class. I'm sure all the men will be bringing some really sharp pencils. Then towards the end, every employee will be asked to show up buck-naked for work, on a day called Naked Friday! Woo-hoo! Doesn't get any more casual than that.

If the show flies and gets to that episode, I'm sure there will be a significant rise in productivity.

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